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Showing posts from October, 2021

Is a routine health check crucial for cancer detection?

With today’s generation leading an unhealthy lifestyle, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that 60 % of all diseases are co-related to lifestyle. The earlier generation sought medical advice only when they fell sick, but the doctors today recommend regular health check-ups to keep track of one’s health. Regular screening depends on the individual profile. It helps in the diagnosis of any early disease in its initial stage.  The killer diseases Certain diseases are silent killers and do not show up visible signs or symptoms until they are well into the advanced stage. Cancer is the most lethal disease one can think of when it comes to being a silent killer, the other being heart disease.  Today cancer is caused more due to lifestyle than hereditary factors. Stress-related work schedules, hectic lifestyles, unhealthy food habits, including smoking and alcohol, are the common cause of cancer.    Blood tests detect early Today, while most diseases are curable, cancer is still co