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Showing posts with the label malnutrition

Malnutrition and Its Causes

Malnutrition is a dietary deficiency that will lead to poor health conditions. The myth is malnutrition only affects only children. It can occur to people who eat the wrong food or don't eat enough food. It can cause slow down growth, decrease our weight and even lead to wasting. Primarily, people who suffer from malnutrition will either undergo underweight or obese. As per WHO, 1.9 billion adults are obese, and 462 million adults are underweight due to malnutrition. India is home to nearly 25% of hungry people worldwide. It's high time that people get knowledge about what causes malnutrition.   Causes of malnutrition: ·    Poor diet quality at a very young age, since young children would be more vulnerable. ·    Mothers who are malnourished during pregnancy or breastfeeding can pass on the deficiency to their children. ·    Lack of nutritious food; is common among middle and low-income countries. ·    People who suffer from Dysphagia (hardships in swallowing food)