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Everything You Should Know About Menopause

  Menopause starts at the time when women's menstrual cycles end. Menopause is not a health condition, disease, or disorder. The menstrual period for women roughly begins from the age of 12 and ends in their 40s or 50s. Menopause happens when a woman has had no menstrual period for over 12 months. The average age for menopause to begin will be 52 . It occurs in every woman's lifetime, a natural biological process. Some women may develop menopause during certain surgeries.   Causes for menopause Women are naturally born with eggs in their ovaries. Their ovaries make the hormones like estrogen and progesterone that directly controls their menstruation and the eggs' ovulations. When the functioning of the eggs stops, women undergo menopause. Women have around 400,000 eggs by their first menstruation and about 10,000 eggs during their menopause begin. Most eggs die off by a natural process called atresia.   Follicle-stimulating hormone, a.k.a FSH, is a substance respo

Types of Cancer that Affect Women

Cancers that often affect women are breast cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and lung cancer. Research suggests cancer affects women 20% lesser than men. Cancer is when the cellular results change while causing division and uncontrolled growth of cells. Cells in the human body have a fixed lifespan so that the body can produce a new one. Cancerous cells cannot stop the growth or division. As a result, those cancer cells build in the body by using nutrients and oxygen, leading them to form tumors, damage the immune system, and stop the body from regular functioning. It might be easy to treat and save a life when cancer is yet to spread or in its early stages. Seeking a medical consultation at the beginning stage is a potential symptom for more successful treatment. Following are the types of cancer that affect women, its symptoms, and treatments.   Breast cancer Breast cancer is the second most frequent type of cancer in women only after sk