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The Effect Of Kidney Disease On Mental Health

The impacts of kidney disease on your physical health might be evident and significant, but its implications on your mental health are less commonly discussed. Any chronic ailment can have an impact on your mental and emotional well-being, as well as your daily routine, mobility, and knowledge of your future. Coping with kidney disease and getting dialysis are not easy tasks, but preserving your mental health is essential for living a healthy lifestyle while managing the illness. How Does Chronic Kidney Disease Affect Mental Health? The link between CKD and mental health extends in both directions. Chronic kidney disease could have a negative impact on your mental health, and your mental health might worsen your kidney condition. Researchers are looking for links between the kidneys and the functioning of the brain to learn more about how CKD affects mental health.  Research  shows that cognitive impairment, such as dementia, might be linked to circulatory system dysfunction, which imp