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360° Corporate Employees Wellness Program | Optimists Healthcare

 A Complete Guide to Corporate Wellness Program

What is a "Corporate Wellness Program"?

Corporate wellness programs are employees' way to reach wellness through health activities in their day-to-day work and organized programs. A study conducted by The Economic Times in 2016 states that 38% of Indian office goers spend more time sitting, which would have increased exceptionally post-pandemic. When an employer or top-level management wants to take a step towards their employees' well-being, the best way to proceed is Corporate Wellness Program.

A well-being activity is from yoga to team building sport that helps workers push towards an active lifestyle and a lively corporate workspace. Wellness programs should be flexible concerning the employees—as a group or individually.

The corporate wellness program will encourage and boost the employees' vast manner towards well-being and improve work efficiency. A fitness program can cultivate healthy habits among the employees at work, strengthen the outcoming results, enhance employee interest in the company, and enhance engagement with coworkers. A wellness program will explore the wide range according to the requirements of the employees to be more effective and has no limitations. Corporate employees can have a shared orientation, while individual employees can also have a customized plan. On the other hand, programs can help employers to retain their employees for the long run.

Multiple new techs help us maintain a work-life balance if we are willing to work towards it. But, the awareness among employees is a bare minimum, and they struggle to maintain a good balance. Either employee is scattered and overwhelmed by the information regarding a healthy lifestyle, or employers' beneficial offers often go unpracticed. Healthier workers give real growth to the company with a positive impact. Wellness programs provide a competitive edge that attracts and helps recruit top talents into the establishment.

Well-being programs work based on the collectively gathered information from the health screening, blood tests, surveys, x-rays, etc. These programs can be flexible enough to work on individual concerns. With well-known public speakers and required workshops/events, the employees will be motivated to work and lead healthy lives.

What Can it Do for Your Business?

Corporate wellness programs develop healthy habits among employees in the business. The plans should be flexible enough to meet employees at any stage of their wellness journey at any level of their difficulties. Suppose the employees are comfortable with their job and workplace environment—they tend to care about the company and stay with the organization long-term. The outcoming results of their work will be more impressive and instantly get reflected in the business. As they say, "employees who care about the company will drive themselves to achieve its goals."

Are There Any Negative Aspects of Corporate Wellness Programs?

The corporate wellness program's negative aspect is many people are unaware that such plans exist. Employees with zero knowledge about healthy lifestyles tend to disregard it, directly affecting the business. According to the employees' characteristics, a complete wellness program is hard to implement. The best practice of a corporate wellness program is when employees get personalized plans based on their difficulties. Companies that offer wellness programs to their employees are most likely to be recommended as suitable workplaces.

When to Start Implementing a Corporate Wellness Program?

Before starting a corporate wellness program, a company should have a significant commitment to both resources and time. Apart from this, a corporate should be ready with the following pointers,

  • How a wellness program will impact the company in the next three years?
  • What's the particular reason to start a wellness program?
  • How is the company going to evaluate the success rate?
  • Do they have strong leadership support to guide you through the process?
  • The budget that an organization is ready to spend
  • What kind of professional is going to influence their employees?
  • Is the company prepared to change the environment if it is required?
  • Effects of not conducting a wellness program

How to Implement a Prosperous Corporate Wellness Program that Works For YOU

Implementing a successful program isn't easy. It starts when every employee has their specific concerns heard and has personalized solutions to enhance their wellness journey. To monitor the exact part they lack, employees should go through stress, physical and mental wellness surveys. Based on the health analysis and medical screening, the organization will have insights into all the departments and focus on their precise need. Employees will benefit from good mental and physical health. The employer will benefit from happy employees who are ready to work with their maximum potential.

Corporate Wellness Program—Here's How to Launch it Perfectly!

Optimists provides a 360° corporate wellness program, and we are proud to say that we are India's first to offer an in-depth, thorough employee-oriented corporate wellness program. We cover and help employees with their Mental–Physical Health, Blood Screening–Health Survey. Based on the Health Analysis and Medical survey conducted, we guide you with the insights and with our various programs to help your employees' health conditions. The best and most powerful way for a company to grow—Good health is Good Business.

To set up a demo and for more details regarding our corporate wellness programs, kindly contact us.

For further info email us at, or WhatsApp us on +91 93429 78508. Our dedicated team will guide you through the process.


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