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Types of Cancer that Affect Women

Types of Cancer that Affect Women

Cancers that often affect women are breast cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and lung cancer. Research suggests cancer affects women 20% lesser than men. Cancer is when the cellular results change while causing division and uncontrolled growth of cells. Cells in the human body have a fixed lifespan so that the body can produce a new one. Cancerous cells cannot stop the growth or division. As a result, those cancer cells build in the body by using nutrients and oxygen, leading them to form tumors, damage the immune system, and stop the body from regular functioning. It might be easy to treat and save a life when cancer is yet to spread or in its early stages. Seeking a medical consultation at the beginning stage is a potential symptom for more successful treatment. Following are the types of cancer that affect women, its symptoms, and treatments.


Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the second most frequent type of cancer in women only after skin cancer. According to WHO, around 685,000 women died due to breast cancer in 2020, and 2.3 million women were diagnosed with one. Breast cancer is not infectious or transmissible, unlike cervical cancer, which is transmissible. There will be no development of bacterial or viral infections due to breast cancer.



Breast cancer usually presents with thickening in the breast or a painless lump. If a woman finds an abnormal lump near her breast, she should consult a doctor within two months, even when there is no pain with the swelling. Other symptoms include—a change in shape, size, or appearance of the breast; redness, dimpling, or alternation in the skin; a change in nipple size or skin around the nipple.



Treatments for breast cancer are highly effective, and the survival probability is 90% or even higher, especially when identified in the early stage. Breast cancer treatments consist of radiation therapy and surgery to control the spreading in the breast. Systemic cancer treatment can also reduce the risk of cancer spreading.


Skin cancer

Irregular development of skin cells is the cause of skin cancer. Cancer can also develop on the skin that is not exposed to sunlight. It affects people of all tones of skin, including darker complexion. The three major types of skins cancers are—melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma. When melanoma develops in people with dark skin tones, it occurs in skin where the sun isn't exposed. Early treatment for skin cancer can have a successful chance of survival.




Skin cancer usually presents with the new appearance of a mole. Even when the mole is removed, cancer cells might have already spread deeper in the skin and will leave an unusual spot. Itchiness, oozing, a sore spot that is not going away, sudden vision problems, changes in toenails or fingernails are also symptoms of skin cancer.



Nearly all types of skin cancers are curable if detected at early stages.

Treatments for skin cancer are—Mohs surgery, simple excision, cryotherapy, chemotherapy, and radiation. Consult a dermatologist once a year or get tested or get yourself tested with Optimists' skincare test to update your skin's condition from the comfort of your home.


Ovarian cancer

The growth of cell that forms in ovaries is Ovarian cancer. Those cells can develop quickly to invade and eliminate healthy tissue. Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than other women's reproductive cancers. Ovarian cancer comes with very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. The early it is detected, the better chance for survival.



Ovarian cancer might occur with no noticeable symptoms. But following are some common symptoms of ovarian cancer.

·   Abdominal bloating

·   Swelling near abdominal

·   Weight loss

·   Often fatigue

·   Distress in the pelvic area

·   Changes in bowel habits

·   Constant back pain

·   Frequent urination



Treatments for ovarian cancer often involve both surgery and chemotherapy. The surgery removes the cancer tissue from the ovaries, and chemotherapy will reduce the cancer's size or even kill cancer. The drugs are given by pills or through the veins for treatments.


Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer starts in the cervix, the upper part of the uterus. The cervix connects the birth canal and uterus. Cervical cancer occurs in women who are above the age of 30. Human papillomavirus infection or HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer. HPV is an infectious virus that passes to women during sex. While nearly half of sexually active people might have HPV, very few are said to develop cervical cancer.



The beginning stage of cervical cancer usually occurs with no symptoms or signs. These are some signs of advanced cervical cancer—vaginal bleeding, foul odor from the pelvic, pelvic pain during intercourse, and water and bloody vaginal discharge that are heavy.



Treatment for the beginning stage of cervical cancer involves either radiation or surgery combined with chemotherapy. For advanced stages, radiation with chemotherapy is the primary treatment. Receiving a vaccination to prevent HPV can also reduce the risks of getting cervical cancer.


Endometrial cancer

The endometrium is the part of the uterus. Endometrial cancer develops when cells in the endometrium grow exponentially out of control. Having metabolic syndrome or being obese might increase the risk of endometrial cancer. Tamoxifen drugs used for breast cancer can also increase the risk of developing endometrial cancer.



Over 90% of women who are diagnosed with endometrial cancer come across bleeding and discharges that are not related to menstruation. Postmenopausal bleeding, pain while urinating or having intercourse, and pain or mass near the pelvic area are other symptoms.



Treatment for endometrial cancer is the removal of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Other options are radiation therapy with high energy, drug treatments with powerful chemotherapy, and hormone therapy that blocks cancerous hormones cells.


Lung cancer

Lung cancer is the second common cancer, irrespective of gender. But women are more likely to develop lung cancer. Exposure to smoking is the reason for nearly 90% of lung cancer around the globe. The tumor found in women's lung cancer is different from that of men. 

Lung cancer


Symptoms for lungs cancer are mostly similar among both women and men—constant worsening in cough, shortness of breath, coughing blood, chest pain, abrupt weight loss, difficulty in swallowing, lung infection, and fatigue.



Treatment relies on the type of lung cancer and the depth of cancer spread over the body. Non-small cell lung cancer treatment is usually a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Small cell lung cancer treatment is with chemo and radiation therapy.


Get yourself tested

Mostly, cancer among women is curable if it's detected at an early stage. Women should get an overall test annually to be more proactive and stay updated with their bodies. To know more about the importance of women's wellness, kindly follow this link. Optimists provides your free doctor consultation online, and with our upcoming "Women's overall health test," your annual check-ups are possible from your privacy.



·   Sex Differences in Cancer: Epidemiology, Genetics and Therapy

·   Breast cancer

·   Systemic Therapy for Breast Cancer

·   Melanoma

·   Skin Care

·   Chemotherapy

·   Human papillomavirus infection

·   Tamoxifen

·   Lung cancer in women

·   The Importance of Women's Wellness

·   Optimists Healthcare    

·   Talk to a qualified doctor for free


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