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5 Ways to Increase Motivation at Work


5 Ways to Increase Motivation at Work

Experiencing a lack of motivation and energy at work is shared among corporate employees. Every employee has their typical "off days" since motivation is something most people lack at. Motivation and energy are crucial to excelling in the workplace, but there is always the "how to?" question.


We believe motivation comes from within and is vital to start your day with some good energy. But not every day will be the same, whether at home or work. Knowing the insights to make the most out of things is the best way to improve yourself. The following are the five ways to increase motivation at work;


Practice self-care

Self-love is all about self-care, which paves the way to prioritize yourself. Self-care is a positive booster dose of daily self-esteem and inspiration that helps you develop mental and physical health. Try practicing, taking a morning walk, reading books, writing journals, cleaning your space, or listening to good music. Give yourself some self-time whenever you can.


Everyday workout

Employees leading a healthy and nutritious lifestyle would always be the first step to staying high in energy and motivation. Exercising is also the best way to restore your energy. Early morning brisk walking, cycling, or any form of exercise that helps to uplift your mood, health, and productivity throughout the day is highly recommendable.

Everyday workout

Emotional focus

Episodes of emotion can be both bad and good, so they play a crucial role in everyone's daily life. But workplace emotions like anxiety, jealousy, stress, etc., will be overwhelming, and people tend to lose their calm. So, developing emotional agility helps you make the right decision. Employees' ability to manage feelings and emotions is vital for their overall success and workplace culture development.


Eat healthily

Eating healthy and nutritious food will always help keep your body active even when you are having a hectic day. Also, a well-balanced diet protects you against many chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, says WHO. Having mindful eating choices helps you to be in shape and focus more on work.

Eat healthily

Avoid smoking

Smoking highly contributes to harmful reproductive outcomes on physical health and has multiple adverse effects on mental health. So, quitting smoking will be the most critical step in your workplace wellness journey.



"Miracles often don't happen overnight," but constantly pushing yourself can help you achieve your wellness. Motivation comes from within, but we all need a slight push. The world is changing in a matter of health and opportunities, so employers should come forward and introduce corporate wellness programs at the workplace to motivate employees. Kindly follow this link to know why you should choose a corporate wellness program. Optimists healthcare provides a complete 360-degree corporate wellness program that is flexible enough to meet every employee at any stage of their wellness journey.


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