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9 Common Autoimmune Diseases

  Autoimmune disease is where the natural immune system attacks the body. Usually, the human immune system helps guard against bacteria, viruses, toxins, cancer cells, pathogens, disease-carrying organisms, or any non-self (foreign invaders). The immune system is complex, vast, and interconnected with multiple organs, cells, and proteins to shield from any illness. But when the immune system malfunctions, it will attack the healthy cells, organs, and tissue. These attacks can weaken any bodily functions, and in some instances, they can be life-threatening. Scientists know nearly 80 immune diseases, including lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis, Addison's disease, Graves' disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, pernicious anemia, and type 1 diabetes; other conditions are rare. Patients with uncommon immune diseases may suffer for years before a proper diagnosis. While some diseases have no cure, some require a lengthy treatment to reduce symptoms. F

Malnutrition and Its Causes

Malnutrition is a dietary deficiency that will lead to poor health conditions. The myth is malnutrition only affects only children. It can occur to people who eat the wrong food or don't eat enough food. It can cause slow down growth, decrease our weight and even lead to wasting. Primarily, people who suffer from malnutrition will either undergo underweight or obese. As per WHO, 1.9 billion adults are obese, and 462 million adults are underweight due to malnutrition. India is home to nearly 25% of hungry people worldwide. It's high time that people get knowledge about what causes malnutrition.   Causes of malnutrition: ·    Poor diet quality at a very young age, since young children would be more vulnerable. ·    Mothers who are malnourished during pregnancy or breastfeeding can pass on the deficiency to their children. ·    Lack of nutritious food; is common among middle and low-income countries. ·    People who suffer from Dysphagia (hardships in swallowing food)

Types of Cancer that Affect Women

Cancers that often affect women are breast cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and lung cancer. Research suggests cancer affects women 20% lesser than men. Cancer is when the cellular results change while causing division and uncontrolled growth of cells. Cells in the human body have a fixed lifespan so that the body can produce a new one. Cancerous cells cannot stop the growth or division. As a result, those cancer cells build in the body by using nutrients and oxygen, leading them to form tumors, damage the immune system, and stop the body from regular functioning. It might be easy to treat and save a life when cancer is yet to spread or in its early stages. Seeking a medical consultation at the beginning stage is a potential symptom for more successful treatment. Following are the types of cancer that affect women, its symptoms, and treatments.   Breast cancer Breast cancer is the second most frequent type of cancer in women only after sk

If you suspect your immunity is low, this test may be for you. It evaluates SEVEN tests and 42 biomarkers.

Lipid Profile (Cholesterol) It helps you measure the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood.  Liver Function It helps you diagnose and monitor liver disease or damage. Complete Blood Count (CBC) It helps you evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection, and leukemia. Advanced Iron Profile It helps you check the level of iron in the blood. Kidney Function It helps you evaluate how well your kidneys are working. Most of these tests measure glomerular filtration rate (GFR). C-Reactive Protein (CRP) It helps you check for inflammation due to an infection and helps diagnose a chronic inflammatory disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Vitamin D It helps you measure the level of 25(OH)D in your blood. An unusual level indicates bone disorders, nutrition problems, organ damage, or other conditions.   

360° Corporate Employees Wellness Program | Optimists Healthcare

 A Complete Guide to Corporate Wellness Program What is a "Corporate Wellness Program"? Corporate wellness programs are employees' way to reach wellness through health activities in their day-to-day work and organized programs. A study conducted by The Economic Times in 2016 states that 38% of Indian office goers spend more time sitting, which would have increased exceptionally post-pandemic. When an employer or top-level management wants to take a step towards their employees' well-being, the best way to proceed is Corporate Wellness Program. A well-being activity is from yoga to team building sport that helps workers push towards an active lifestyle and a lively corporate workspace. Wellness programs should be flexible concerning the employees—as a group or individually. The corporate wellness program will encourage and boost the employees' vast manner towards well-being and improve work efficiency. A fitness program can cultivate healthy habits among

Optimists' Contactless Self-Blood Testing - Chennai

Optimists is India's first preventative healthcare provider that brings you the contactless self-blood testing service at the comfort of your home and also allows you to consult a certified doctor online for free. We aim to achieve a convenient and cost-effective way for contactless blood testing that can be done without the help of a phlebotomist. Optimists has extensive tests range specifically for your requirements, and with the easy-to-use dashboard, monitoring your health progress wouldn't be easier.    Optimists is a product and trademark of Kepler Techno Private Limited, inaugurated in August 2021. We provide a variety of blood test packages like RT PCR, Lipid Profile (Cholesterol), Liver Function, Vitamin D, Diabetes (HbA1c), Testosterone, Thyroid (Basic Profile), and more. Optimists also allows you to consult a certified doctor online for free before and post your blood test. With Optimists' the fastest delivery, the blood testing package will arrive at your do

Most Important Tips for Blood Test at Home Chennai

It is best to visit an experienced doctor immediately when you are feeling down quite often. Tiredness and low-grade fevers are crucial indications that you should not ignore. True, the doctor would recommend several blood tests. However, you do not have to visit a diagnostic lab for getting the tests done in time. Instead, you can order a self-blood testing kit from a well-reputable provider and embark on a path of wellness.  Sure, you need to follow the advice of your doctor while taking the test. Request the specific test kit from a manufacturer known for the quality of products. You are definite to get a list of things that you need to check. Yes! Trying to draw blood by pricking your finger can be tricky. However, the lancet supplied with the kit will make the process simple. You will get the hang of the procedure soon enough. Drawing blood by single prick will enable the technician to check the sample in a well-equipped laboratory and the results will be revealed at the earlies

3 Reasons to Use Contactless Blood Tests at Home

The need for blood tests is something that you cannot avoid for long. Fortunately, you do not need to spend hours at a diagnostic centre and wait for a technician to prick your finger to draw an appropriate amount of blood to run the test. Again, waiting for the results is likely to test your patience too. So, forget the downside and get regular tests done in a jiffy by opting for a self-blood testing kit . The popularity of this method has captured the attention of end-users like never before, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.  Some of the benefits that you are sure to appreciate by opting for a blood test at home in Chennai include: - Convenience- You can have the required test done at your convenience. You do not have to step out of home or visit your doctor after fixing an appointment. Take it at the time that you prefer and take care to follow the instructions on the kit for accurate results.  Access to Testing- A simple blood test done with a single prick to your finger can

Is a routine health check crucial for cancer detection?

With today’s generation leading an unhealthy lifestyle, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that 60 % of all diseases are co-related to lifestyle. The earlier generation sought medical advice only when they fell sick, but the doctors today recommend regular health check-ups to keep track of one’s health. Regular screening depends on the individual profile. It helps in the diagnosis of any early disease in its initial stage.  The killer diseases Certain diseases are silent killers and do not show up visible signs or symptoms until they are well into the advanced stage. Cancer is the most lethal disease one can think of when it comes to being a silent killer, the other being heart disease.  Today cancer is caused more due to lifestyle than hereditary factors. Stress-related work schedules, hectic lifestyles, unhealthy food habits, including smoking and alcohol, are the common cause of cancer.    Blood tests detect early Today, while most diseases are curable, cancer is still co

Why Do Patients Prefer Contactless Blood Tests?

The collection of the blood sample from home has become more popular than ever now. Almost all doctors advise blood tests to diagnose the underlying condition accurately, and going to a far-off clinic for diagnostic tests can be difficult and troublesome for most patients. People are indeed scared of infection when the COVID-19 virus looms large. “How can I opt for a blood sample collection from home near me,” is a question that has been doing the rounds more frequently now. No worries! There are numerous centres available both online and offline to meet this need. It is indeed the right time to switch to a self-blood testing kit that will give you the right results without involving the intervention of a stranger. Some of the advantages that you get by opting for such a practice include: - Easy Access- No patient needs to travel to the heart of the city for diagnostic tests anymore. It is a boon for the elderly and patients with severe conditions.  Convenience- The patient can coll