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Impressive Wellness Programs That Lead to Increased Productivity

Are you looking for unique wellness programs that increase productivity among your team members? If yes, it may be the right time to introduce a corporate wellness program to your employees.  The corporate wellness program benefits the company and the employees by reducing absenteeism, increasing motivation, enhancing a healthy lifestyle, and caring for their well-being. The stats of these programs' impact on an employee's productivity may stun you.   A study by the University of California in August 2017 states that the company that offers employee well-being programs had substantial growth in productivity among employees. The researchers who studied corporate wellness programs found that all employees who participated increased their productivity on average by a full working day per month.   The average productive hours for employees are 3 hours per day, and boosting their productivity is crucial for every corporate. So, understanding how a well-being program can impr

Why Do You Need Starchy Foods?

  Starchy foods are a crucial part of a healthy and nutritious diet. They are also a primary source of energy, nutrition, and satiety. But why exactly do you need them? Starch is a carbohydrate that contains glucose molecules. Glucose helps cells by providing energy and helps the nerve cells in the brain for proper function. It's crucial for people with high blood sugar and diabetes to monitor their consumption of starchy since they might be sensitive to blood sugar spikes that accompany carbohydrates.   Though starchy foods are high in starch, they are not wholly of the substance. They also contain minerals, vitamins, fibres, natural sugar, and more. So they can provide the required energy if rightly consumed.   How does starchy food entirely help? Energy Starchy foods are a great energy source since they are high in carbohydrates. While the human body digests starch, it breaks down to glucose molecules and enters the bloodstream to power nearly every body cell. Also,

What Is Eustress?

  Stress can differ; some stress you face can damage your well-being, and some can benefit your well-being. Eustress is one type of beneficial stress, which is directly opposite to distress. It can help physically and psychologically, but eustress tends to be short-term—people who perceive eustress as manageable, motivating, and even exciting. Eustress physically often resembles distress in multiple ways, like you might feel nervous, your heart might pound, or your thoughts may race. The differences between the form of physical sensations are perceived. During distress, you might feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable; but during eustress, you might feel a sense of anticipation or excitement. The eustress is beneficial and necessary for overall well-being; it contributes to positive stress to feel optimistic about life.   Eustress impact Eustress can have numerous positive impacts in life, like: ·    It helps you to concentrate and focus ·    It encourages you to face new challenge

5 Ways to Increase Motivation at Work

  Experiencing a lack of motivation and energy at work is shared among corporate employees. Every employee has their typical "off days" since motivation is something most people lack at. Motivation and energy are crucial to excelling in the workplace, but there is always the "how to?" question.   We believe motivation comes from within and is vital to start your day with some good energy. But not every day will be the same, whether at home or work. Knowing the insights to make the most out of things is the best way to improve yourself. The following are the five ways to increase motivation at work;   Practice self-care Self-love is all about self-care, which paves the way to prioritize yourself. Self-care is a positive booster dose of daily self-esteem and inspiration that helps you develop mental and physical health. Try practicing, taking a morning walk, reading books, writing journals, cleaning your space, or listening to good music. Give yourself some

Risk Factors for Men to Develop Lung Cancer

  Lung cancer is common cancer in men of India, along with prostate and oral cancer. As per the National Library of Medicine , lung cancer constitutes around 6.9% of all new cancer diagnoses and 9.3% of cancer-related deaths in India. It is the most typical cancer and the reason for cancer-related deaths in men. Lung cancer can spread to other body organs like the brain or lymph nodes. In contrast, cancer from other organs can also spread to the lungs. The process of cancer spreading to other organs is metastases. There are two standard types of lung cancer—non-small cell and small cell. Both cancers' growing and treatment processes are entirely different, whereas non-small cell cancer is typical compared to small cell lung cancer. Multiple risk factors increase the chances of developing lung cancer, but having several or even one risk factor doesn't mean that one will indeed develop the disease. Some who develop lung cancer may also not have had any risk factors. Still, unders

9 Common Autoimmune Diseases

  Autoimmune disease is where the natural immune system attacks the body. Usually, the human immune system helps guard against bacteria, viruses, toxins, cancer cells, pathogens, disease-carrying organisms, or any non-self (foreign invaders). The immune system is complex, vast, and interconnected with multiple organs, cells, and proteins to shield from any illness. But when the immune system malfunctions, it will attack the healthy cells, organs, and tissue. These attacks can weaken any bodily functions, and in some instances, they can be life-threatening. Scientists know nearly 80 immune diseases, including lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis, Addison's disease, Graves' disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, pernicious anemia, and type 1 diabetes; other conditions are rare. Patients with uncommon immune diseases may suffer for years before a proper diagnosis. While some diseases have no cure, some require a lengthy treatment to reduce symptoms. F

Malnutrition and Its Causes

Malnutrition is a dietary deficiency that will lead to poor health conditions. The myth is malnutrition only affects only children. It can occur to people who eat the wrong food or don't eat enough food. It can cause slow down growth, decrease our weight and even lead to wasting. Primarily, people who suffer from malnutrition will either undergo underweight or obese. As per WHO, 1.9 billion adults are obese, and 462 million adults are underweight due to malnutrition. India is home to nearly 25% of hungry people worldwide. It's high time that people get knowledge about what causes malnutrition.   Causes of malnutrition: ·    Poor diet quality at a very young age, since young children would be more vulnerable. ·    Mothers who are malnourished during pregnancy or breastfeeding can pass on the deficiency to their children. ·    Lack of nutritious food; is common among middle and low-income countries. ·    People who suffer from Dysphagia (hardships in swallowing food)